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Directory board

► Strategic direction of transfer at Charles University ► management and coordination of CKTT activities ► support of transfer at faculties and units of Charles University

Ing. Vojtěch Malina

Designated director


Mobile phone: +420 725 005 630

Vojtěch manages the activities of CPPT and represents the center externally. He is a member of the extended board of the rector. Since 2015, he has been actively involved in technology transfer and has helped establish five spin-off companies. He serves as an academic staff member and assistant professor at the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering at the Czech Technical University in Prague, where he contributes to the development of new telemedicine technologies. He is a member of the Czech Medical Association of Jan Evangelista Purkyně and has extensive experience in managing projects funded by European funds in both the public and private sectors.

Mgr. Jiří Valach

Deputy of designated director


Mobile phone: +420 739 771 932

Jiří has been connecting scientists and external partners – whether companies, NGOs, or ministries – since 2006. He helps find a common language between scientists or faculty deans on one side, and company managers, ministry deputies, or NGO directors on the other. His task is to ensure that the combination of know-how and practice benefits individuals as well as society as a whole.

Legal issues, IP

► Intellectual property ► invention application ► patents ► maintenance fees ► trademarks ► contract research ► collaborative research ► preparation of contract documents

Mgr. Ludmila Švrčinová



Mobile phone: +420 723 206 765

Ludmila focuses on legal matters in the field of intellectual property. She provides support to the university and its employees in processes related to employee inventions and research results, including setting up co-ownership arrangements. In collaboration with external entities, she ensures tailored contractual solutions in various areas of knowledge and technology transfer. She is also responsible for maintaining patent fees and extending utility models. Currently, she is studying a specialized course at the Industrial Property Office.

External consultants:

Mgr. Eva Adlerová, Ph.D.

Legal and trademark specialist

Eva focuses on intellectual property law, especially trademark law, where she provides comprehensive legal advice.

Mgr. Miroslav Hoša


Miroslav provides general legal support and he also focuses on professional advice, particularly in the area of intellectual property law.

Transfer / Impact management

► Consultation on applied research and application of research results ► support for cooperation with external partners and the public sector ► examples of good practice ► social relevance ► search for external partners ► search for financial resources

Mgr. Ivana Sýkorová, Ph.D.

Knowledge transfer specialist in the fields of social sciences and humanities


Mobile phone: +420 776 007 130

Telephone: +420 224 491 209

Ivana is methodologically responsible for the area of transfer from the humanities and social sciences, she cooperates intensively and shares good practice from foreign partners (e.g. Oxford, Cambridge, Amsterdam, Cologne, Vienna, 4EU+ alliance). She consults on Technology Agency of the Czech Republic Sigma projects, including support for proof-of-concept projects. Guides scientists through the process of finding appropriate applications for their research results and manages specific collaborations with external partners.

Bc. Ivona Harvey

Social Sciences and Humanities Knowledge Transfer Coordinator


Ivona is a project coordinator at CKTT. She has experience with international programs such as Interreg Danube, Visegrad Fund, and others. She ensures the smooth running of projects, monitoring and timely reporting, and financial resource management. Additionally, she is part of a team working on cases of knowledge transfer from academia to society, managing their administration. She is also involved in the administration of the course "Violence in Close Relationships."

Education / Entrepreneurship

► Information about the courses offered ► the CKTT training concept ► entrepreneurship ► information about studying for external candidates ► CKTT training as Lifelong learning ► tailor-made training events/training

Mgr. Veronika Haissingerová

Guarantor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Community


Mobile phone: +420 778 956 083

Veronika is dedicated to the development of entrepreneurship and the creation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem at Charles University. She is involved in and co-creates the university-level entrepreneurship network University FOR Entrepreneurship, leading the network "Entrepreneurship at Charles University". Her main task is to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem, to connect entrepreneurial actors and to create an enabling environment for the creative entrepreneurial spirit. Related to this is the collaboration and co-creation of entrepreneurial events (Startup Night, Ideathon, Falling Walls, residency events in the context of nef. fulfilment in KH). It has introduced a series of innovation and creativity workshops that support the different competency entrepreneurial areas of students during the academic year.

Bc. et Bc. Jan Veselý

"Start a Project" course Lead


Jan runs together with Ondřej Mrkus the course Innovation Lab: Start a Project, a project seminar focused on innovation. In the past, he has created several acceleration programs focused on social innovation, founded EduFórum, created the online portal, etc. Currently he is also in charge of education at Slevomat.

Mgr. et Bc. Veronika Primasová Hrubá

Education Specialist

On maternity leave

Veronika manages and coordinates the system of educational activities under the CKTT auspices. She takes care of the evaluation of educational activities and their development, as well as the search for external partners for education and communication with them.


► Administration ► Invoicing ► CKTT accounting matters

Ing. Marie Katakalidisová

Senior Expert


Mobile phone: +420 725 384 997

Telephone: +420 224 491 452

The soul of CKTT that has been here since the centre's founding. She keeps track of the office budget and contract research. She also handles all CKTT billing.

Personal Data Protection (GDPR)

Find more on university Personal Data Protection page.

Last change: September 23, 2024 11:57 
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Telephone: +420 224 491 255


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