CUNI Innovation Ecosystem

The innovation ecosystem within Charles University consists of 4 elements:

  • Researchers at faculties and other departments of Charles University

  • Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer

  • Innovation scouts

  • Charles University Innovations Prague s.r.o.

The Center for Knowledge and Technology Transfer (CKTT) is responsible for realization of the technology and knowledge transfer at Charles University. The CKTT has a managing, coordinating, and main supporting role. It provides its services to all faculties and departments, as well as to individual researchers from Charles University. CKTT uses a central team of experts and a well-organized network of innovation scouts (UIS).

Innovation scouts that are the CKTT employees and, at the same time, they work at the faculties and departments of Charles University. Particularly, they ensure good communication within the university and search for new transfer opportunities among the research teams.

Charles University Innovations Prague s.r.o. (CUIP) is a 100% owned subsidiary company of Charles University. It was established in June 2018 in order to simplify and fully optimize the process of commercialization, to support the establishment of spin-offs, and to increase the number of successfully commercialized ideas.

The purpose and goal of CUIP is to represent CUNI in the property structure of emerging spin-off companies and to manage CUNI industrial knowledge and technology property portfolio in later stages of the commercialization.

The principle of university subsidiaries is common in Western Europe and elsewhere in the world, but Charles University is the first (and so far the only) university in the Czech Republic to establish its own company.

How does it all work?

The innovative ecosystem of the Charles University supports the transfer from life sciences and healthcare, as well as from the humanities and social sciences (knowledge and technology transfer).

The CKTT provides assistance and support in all phases of the transfer activities. Together with innovation scouts at faculties, we search for scientific ideas and offer our know-how to scientific teams. We will then provide the analysis of market potential and help to protect intellectual property.

The next phase of commercialization, ie. addressing investors, negotiating, and concluding specific contracts, is implemented based on the contract with CUIP, s.r.o.

The whole process is shown on the diagram (click on the image to enlarge):

The Board for the Commercialisation also functions as a stable component of the ecosystem, primarily in support of commercial potential.

Last change: March 29, 2021 12:14 
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The Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of the Charles University

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Petrská 1180/3

110 00 Prague 1

Telephone: +420 224 491 255


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IN: 00216208

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