• About us

About us

The Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer (CKTT, CPPT in Czech) is an independent department of Charles University. CKTT provides services and consulting to support the technology and knowledge transfer and creates suitable environment for its propagation in accordance with the third role of Charles University to improve its competitive potential and attractiveness for students, staff, and society.

CKTT was established 1. 7. 2007. The Centre provides services to all 17 faculties and other departments of Charles University.

The Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer...

  • CONNECTS research teams with both public and private sectors

  • SUPPORTS application of innovations in society

  • PROTECTS intellectual property

  • HELPS researchers to turn their ideas into products

What does it mean?

  • We help to fulfill the third role of Charles University, we support the applicability of research outcomes for commercial and societal needs

  • We are the connection point for cooperation between Charles University and external partners, we mediate the consulting by research teams at Charles University

  • We assist in protecting the intellectual property at Charles University, we support the commercialization and funding of the proof of concept phase of research

  • We do specialized analysis and research using patent and marketing databases

  • We provide education and project management in the field of knowledge and technology transfer

  • We coordinate the University Innovation Network - a network of technological scouts directly at the faculties

  • We organize the CUNI Via Carolina innovation conference Want to know even more?

  • Take a look at the other sections of our website...

Last change: July 15, 2024 10:44 
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The Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of the Charles University

Office address:

Petrská 1180/3

110 00 Prague 1

Telephone: +420 224 491 255


Contact our team.

Mailing address:

Ovocný trh 560/5

116 36 Prague 1

Czech Republic

IN: 00216208

TIN: CZ 00216208

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