
Transforming ReseArch & INnovation agendas and support in 4EU+ (Train4EU+)

The 4EU+ European University Alliance brings together six public european universities that have a large scope of research activites. The members of the Alliance work together to establish a new level of mutual cooperation in education, research, and administration of the institutions.

The Train4EU+ project develops with the ambition of the University Alliance to strive for excellence in all of the above-mentioned roles. The project’s goal is to advance a long-term joint strategy of research and innovation consistent with the general vision and strategies of the Alliance. It will also support the collective efforts for institutional transformation at the research and innovation (R&I) level. The project reflects one of the core objectives of the 4EU+ Alliance, which is to help the researchers in spreading their knowledge in order to ensure that their expertise and innovation benefit the society in solving the most crucial challenges of our time.

The project is divided into 5 areas = work packages (WP):

  • WP1 Common Research Agenda

  • WP2 Strengthening R&I Human Capital

  • WP3 Sharing Research Infrastructure

  • WP4 Linking Citizens-Academia-Business

  • WP5 Mainstreaming Open Science

Each of the work packages involves some department of the Charles University. The Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer participates in WP4 Linking Academia with Business.

The main topics of this package are:

  • Support of entrepreneurship

  • Technology transfer

  • Engagement of both commerce and society

The objective is to strengthen the third role of university, i.e. social relevance and engagement of the scientific results with practical applicability in society.

What is the main focus of CKTT within this project?

  • Interdisciplinarity as the added value of knowledge and technology transfer – a combination of technologies and social sciences

  • Sharing the case studies and developing cooperation with other TTOs in the Alliance

  • Sharing training courses (on knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship) with universities in the Alliance

  • Development of all activities within WP4 package

Funded from: Horizon 2020

The total allocation for CKTT within WP4: 767 000 Kč

Realization: 1. 1. 2021 – 31. 12. 2023

Want to know more?


Ivana Sýkorová,

Ivona Harvey,

Last change: March 16, 2021 11:36 
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The Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of the Charles University

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Telephone: +420 224 491 255


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