• Projects
  • Development of R&D capacities of Charles University

Development of R&D capacities of Charles University

Strategic development of R&D capacities and strengthening of international competitiveness of Charles University

The main objective of the project RKV II is the improvement of environment for education related to the research and developing human resources in R&D, as well as the establishment of strategic management of the research institute consistent with the terms of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for Researchers.

RKV II project directly follows the project RKV I, both projects contribute to realization of action plan for acquisition and maintenance of HR Award certificate.

The goal can be further described as following:

  • The professionalization of HR consistent with the outlines of currently valid Action plan and principle alinement of strategic management in this field with a goal to assure the uniform and transparent rules for current and future employees of Charles University,

  • Actual bilingualism of employees on all levels, primarily at the Rectorate of Charles University, so that the fully professional services are available for newly coming employees and foreign students; as well as the relocation service intended primarily for foreign researchers coming to CUNI for a prolonged period.

  • Improvement of interconnection between science and practice, support of the third role of Charles University towards the society, and the focus on the aspects of interdisciplinary cooperation; deeper specialization and professionalization of the team, which provides expert consultancy services to internal clients from the academic community of CUNI

  • Advancing to the European standard of data processing in Charles University and introduction of Open Access principles across departments in the institution..

Financed from: OP „Research, development, education“

Total allocation: 62 838 554,46 Kč

Total allocation for CKTT: 22 277 800 Kč

Registration number: CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_054/0015222

Realization: 01. 01. 2020 – 30. 6. 2023

Want to know more?

Contact person: Anastasia Avdeeva


Last change: June 9, 2023 14:12 
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